While *WINDOWS Magazine* has gone to great lengths to make sure that this file's description of SHELL.DLL is as accurate as possible, we do not guarantee that any or all of the functions described will work properly on all systems all the time, and therefore offer the advice "as-is" without warranty or guarantee as to merchantability or suitability to task. Your use of this software is at your own risk. If you aren't sure of the suitability to task of software or advice on this CD-ROM, or are uncertain about your ability to install and operate it, seek additional advice before proceeding. In any case, CMP Publications Inc., its employees or freelancers are not responsible for any injury, damage or loss resulting from your use of this disc or the information it contains. SHELL.DLL TO REGISTER IN WINDOWS HELP: RegisterRoutine("shell", "ShellExecute", "USSSSi") ShellExecute(hWndApp,`open',`\\ascii\\1995\\tables\\950102.doc',`',`',3). The first parameter is supposed to be a Window Handle. ShellExecute(hwnd, lpszOp, lpszFile, lpszParams, lpszDir, fsShowCmd) Parameter Description hwnd Identifies the parent window. This window receives any message boxes an application produces an error message box.[explanation correct?] LpszOp Points to a null-terminated string specifying the operation to perform. This string can be "open" or "print". If its parameter is NULL, "open" is the default value. LpszFile Points to a null-terminated string specifying the file to open. LpszParams Points to a null-terminated string specifying parameters passed to the application when the lpszFile parameter specifies an executable file. If lpszFile points to a string specifying a document file, this parameter is NULL. LpszDir Points to a null-terminated string specifying the default directory. FsShowCmd Specifies whether the application window is to be shown when the application is opened. This parameter can be one of the following values: 1 SW_NORMAL Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position (same as SW_RESTORE ). 2 SW_SHOWMINIMIZED Activates a window and displays it as an icon. 3 SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window. 3 SW_MAXIMIZE Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window. 4 SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The window that is currently active remains active. 5 SW_SHOW Activates a window and displays it in its current size and position. 6 SW_MINIMIZE Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level window in the system's list. 7 SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently active remains active. 8 SW_SHOWNA Displays a window in its current state. The window that is currently active remains active. 9 SW_RESTORE Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position (same as SW_NORMAL ).